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Se denne side på Dansk
Courses are offered as half-, whole-, or multiple day courses. The
subjects may be as described below or be a combination hereof. Special subjects may be
provided by agreement.
- Calibration certificates and digital signature
- Transferring calibration certificates via the Internet
- Sending calibration certificates by e-mail
- Internet based access to calibration certificates (Web-documents)
- Electronic record & Electronic signature
Validation of software using the Nordtest method
- Background, purpose, and use of the method
- Requirements specification, system acceptance test, design and
- Test - a difficult task
- The validation report as a "dynamic" document
Validation of computer systems using the
modified Nordtest method
- New computer system or retrospective validation
- Requirements specification, supplier audit, and system acceptance test
- Breaking down the computer system in validate able processes
- Validation report and documentation of the system
Project formulation, start and control of IT-projects
- The quality system and the project organization
- Analysis, planning, and requirements specification
- Software risk assessment, validation and acceptance criteria
- Project handbook, review and documentation
Risk assessment used in software validation
- Process identification and risk scenarios
- Validation requirements and process verification
- Risk classification and prioritizing
- Determination of validation scope and depth
Uncertainty calculation using the GumXp
- Uncertainty calculation using the GUM and EA-4/02 guidelines
- Setting up uncertainty budgets and model function
- Type A and B evaluation, covariance and correlation
- GumXp in details
Using Excel - what is difficult and how do we
do it?
- The users needs (questionnaire)
- Excel functions, macros, modules, and Add-Ins
- Measures against bugs in Excel
- Validation of spreadsheets
Courses in competence development:
TeleCanvass aimed at job-seeking
- To get an appointment
- To complete a meeting
Entrepreneur - an alternative to a job?
- To be self-employed
- To profile an entrepreneur
- To use your network
TeleCanvass for entrepreneurs
- To get an appointment
- To complete a meeting
Quality in Company - QiC
- About the QiC star tool:
- - State - Quality criteria - Targets -
Action plan -
Evaluation plan -
- About working with quality development
- To use the quality star
- To document a quality development sequence
Courses in competence development
are hold for:
> AJS -
Akademikernes Job Service
> FKS -
Forbundet Kommunikation og Sprog
> IDA -
Ingeniørforeningen i Danmark
Course handouts are supplied in PDF-format on CD-rom.
Price upon agreement.